Her Best Life Empire Circle is an exclusive group of female leaders from around the world.
Membership is by application only. A commitment fee is required to process your application.* The application form will be delivered to your email immediately after your commitment fee is processed. (Returning Members do not need to complete the Application.)
Income levels, net worth, or business size are not a qualification for Membership. Therefore, there are no financial minimums required to apply for Membership.
Here’s what you can expect from your Membership.
✔ Signature Empire Circle Retreat
✔ Exclusive Empire Circle Travel Adventures and Masterminding
✔ VIP Complimentary Admission to our Annual Her Best Life Event
✔ 12 Months of Her Best Life Business, Financial & Life Masterminding
✔ 12 Months of Membership to Net Worth Club
✔ Her Best Life Library and Masterclasses
✔ Premium Her Best Life Swag
✔ And Much MORE!!
Membership Fee: $25,000 annually (includes $3,000 market shift discount, monthly payment option available)
Membership Fee does not include travel or lodging related to any Event or Adventure Invitations extended to Empire Circle Members.
Applications are reviewed upon receipt. Official Membership requires a signed Membership Agreement and Membership Fee Payment (according to the payment terms selected by the approved Member).
*The Application Fee is applied to the Membership Fee invoice or refundable if the individual is not accepted after applying.